
Komodo National Park is a unique marine sanctuary created by strong currents carrying nutrient-rich waters that support an incredible array of marine life, and where the main activity is scuba diving with a wide choice of liveaboard cruises and resorts for scuba divers. Komodo National Park consists of three main islands Komodo, Padar, and Rinca, as well as many smaller ones, making 80 in total, located between the large islands of Sumbawa and Flores, right in the middle of a forced passage of the currents and tides that unite the Pacific and Indian oceans. And if you're a scuba diver, you've probably got it all figured out: yes, Komodo dives are legendary! Komodo's unpredictable and strong currents attract monstrous amounts of fish.

Rugged, wild and packed with the promise of adventure, Komodo is one of Indonesia’s most famous diving destinations. Manta rays, sharks and colorful reefs are just few of the stars of Komodo.

The area is well known for its strong currents and is often recommended for divers with experience. Komodo is relatively remote but if you want an adventure and incredible diving it should be at the top of your bucket list. Expect to find an array of dive sites perfectly suited for drift diving.

Komodo National Park has plenty to offer macro-lovers too. Sheltered dive sites boast a myriad of critters hiding among the slopes and walls of healthy hard and soft corals.

When to dive in Komodo ? It is possible to dive year-round due to the dry weather.

Diving season: From April to November. Though diving is possible in Komodo year-round. Rainy season: November to April. Water temperature: Water temperature: 19-28°C. In the most dive points of Komodo a 3mm shorty should be sufficient. If you feel the cold easily a 5mm shorty is advisable. Around Southern Komodo and Rinca Islands the water temperature drops drastically 24-21°C, then a 5mm long suit is advised and hood and booties are strongly recommended. Visibility: 5-30m. Depths: 5- >40m. Currents: Can be very strong - up to 8 knots. Surface conditions: Can be rough. Dive conditions vary with the tides, throughout the day. Experience level: Intermediate – advanced. Dive sites: >40. Length of stay: Recommended 7-11 days

We provide for a group Land Based trip, individual join our scheduled open trip, and private/private group trip by request. Live On Board charter by request, depend on availability.
